
The Summer Cluster on Quantum Computing will bring together researchers from academia and industry to explore topics from quantum complexity theory and cryptography to quantum algorithms, benchmarking, error correction, and fault tolerance. The program will have a special focus on NISQ (noisy intermediate-scale quantum) computers and complexity-based evidence of quantum advantage. A major challenge in this direction is to define milestones for the next generation of quantum computers that are beyond the capabilities of classical computers and yet can be verified efficiently.

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Long-Term Participants (including Organizers)

Urmila Mahadev (California Institute of Technology; Microsoft Research Fellow)
Jacob Biamonte (NASA Ames Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory)
Leo Zhou (California Institute of Technology)

Visiting Graduate Students and Postdocs

Zhiyang He (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Xinyu Tan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Lisa Yang (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Tina Zhang (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

This summer we are experimenting with a series of one-day mini-workshops throughout the summer in addition to the week-long workshop starting July 10. The goal is to foster more interaction around timely topics in quantum computing. Each mini-workshop will be devoted to an open question or theme, and will be designed to spawn an active collaboration for the rest of the week and beyond:

  • June 13: Provable NISQ Quantum Advantage

  • June 20: Minimum Quantum Assumptions for Cryptography
  • June 27: Rounding Schemes for Quantum Optimization

Topics for the week-long workshop will include benchmarking and error mitigation, cryptographic holography, NLTS, qPCP and unentangled provers, quantum algorithms and shallow circuits, and quantum error-correcting codes.