
There has been a burst of recent progress on quantum error-correcting codes, across the physics, computer science, and math communities. This workshop will bring together researchers from all these communities to share recent progress and exchange ideas. Particular topics covered will include constructions of quantum LDPC codes and new algorithms for quantum codes. 

This is a joint workshop between the Error-Correcting Codes: Theory and Practice program and the Quantum Algorithms, Complexity, and Fault Tolerance program.

If you require special accommodation, please contact our access coordinator at simonsevents [at] berkeley.edu with as much advance notice as possible.

Invited Participants

Victor Albert (QuICS @ NIST & UMD), Nouédyn Baspin (The University of Sydney), Lucas Berent (Technical University of Munich), Michael Beverland (Microsoft Research), Dolev Bluvstein (Harvard University), Benjamin Brown (IBM Research), Margarita Davydova (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Nicolas Delfosse (IonQ), Andrew Glaudell (Photonic Inc.), Dmitry Grinko (QuSoft, University of Amsterdam, CWI), Shouzhen Gu (Caltech), Jeongwan Haah (Microsoft), Zhiyang He (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Oscar Higgott (Google), Tomas Jochym-O’Connor (IBM Research), Ting-Chun Lin (UCSD), Francisco Miguel Garcia Herrero (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Christopher Pattison (California Institute of Technology), Leonid Pryadko (University of California, Riverside), Shruti Puri (Yale University), Armanda Quintavalle (Freie Universität Berlin), Narayanan Rengaswamy (University of Arizona), Joschka Roffe (The University of Edinburgh), Armands Strikis (University College London), Xinyu Tan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Michael Vasmer (Perimeter Institute), Christophe Vuillot (Chargé de Recherche), Hayata Yamasaki (The University of Tokyo), Ted Yoder (IBM)