The true logic of the World is the calculus of probabilities — James Clerk Maxwell
The theory of probability is at bottom nothing but common sense reduced to calculus — Pierre Simon Laplace
Uncertainty pervades our every interaction with the physical world and with all our attempts to organize our data and understanding. Probability is the best tool we have for managing uncertainty. This workshop will bring together researchers for whom probabilistic reasoning is an essential aspect of their research.
We will address three major themes: (i) logic and probability, (ii) probabilistic databases and statistical relational models, and (iii) machine learning. The first theme is both foundational, as the quote from Laplace suggests, and practical. There is substantial interest in automated tools for verifying probabilistic systems using probabilistic modal logics. The second theme is about the management of uncertainty in relational data and probabilistic inference for queries expressed in first-order logic. The use of logic for representing and reasoning about probabilities has generated a lot interest and has led to new approaches for probabilistic inference. The third theme is represented by a vast community interested in extracting information from data. There is also burgeoning interest in programming languages for building probabilistic models which impinges on all three themes.
Note: This workshop is organized jointly with the companion program on "Algorithms and Uncertainty."
Visit the schedule page for the archived videos.
Samson Abramsky (University of Oxford), Dimitris Achlioptas (UC Santa Cruz), Matthew Anderson (Union College), Albert Atserias (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya), Christoph Berkholz (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Alexis Bernadet (Dalhousie University), Nathalie Bertrand (INRIA), Xiaoning Bian (Dalhousie University), Andrea Blass (University of Michigan), Avrim Blum (Carnegie Mellon University), Ben Caulfield (UC Berkeley), Kamalika Chaudhuri (UC San Diego), Kenta Cho (Radboud University), Thomas Colcombet (LIAFA), Vincent Danos (University of Edinburgh), Anuj Dawar (University of Cambridge), Nadish de Silva (University College London), Stefano Ermon (Stanford University), Nathanaël Fijalkow (University of Oxford), Cameron Freer (Gamalon), Wolfgang Gatterbauer (Carnegie Mellon University), Lise Getoor (UC Santa Cruz), Erich Grädel (RWTH Aachen University), Anupam Gupta (Carnegie Mellon University), Chris Heunen (University of Edinburgh), Jane Hillston (University of Edinburgh), Wesley Holliday (UC Berkeley), Bart Jacobs (University of Nijmegen), Elham Kashefi (University of Edinburgh), Erica Klarreich, Phokion Kolaitis (UC Santa Cruz), Tomer Kotek (Vienna University of Technology), Marta Kwiatkowska (University of Oxford), Marijana Lazic (Technische Universität Wien), Janos Makowsky (Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology), Vikash Mansinghka (MIT), Radu Mardare (Aalborg University), Antonio Montalban (UC Berkeley), Joanna Ochremiak (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya), Dan Olteanu (University of Oxford), Martin Otto (Technische Universität Darmstadt), Catuscia Palamidessi (INRIA - Saclay), Prakash Panangaden (McGill University), Rehana Patel (Olin College), Avi Pfeffer (Charles River Analytics, Inc.), Nick Ramsey (UC Berkeley), Ramyaa Ramyaa (New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology), Miguel Romero (University of Chile), Tim Roughgarden (Stanford University), Dan Roy (University of Toronto), Stuart Russell (UC Berkeley), Matteo Sammartino (University College London), Thomas Scanlon (UC Berkeley), Dana Scott (Carnegie Mellon University), Peter Selinger (Dalhousie University), Bart Selman (Cornell University), Simone Severini (University College London), Alexandra Silva (University College London), Ted Slaman (UC Berkeley), Rui Soares Barbosa (University of Oxford), Sam Staton (University of Oxford), Dan Suciu (University of Washington), Kunal Talwar (Google), Val Tannen (University of Pennsylvania), Franck van Breugel (York University), Guy Van den Broeck (UCLA), Moshe Vardi (Rice University), Jamie Vicary (University of Oxford), Greg Wilsenach (University of Cambridge), Hongseok Yang (University of Oxford), Octavio Zapata (University College London)