Playlist: 22 videos
Quantum and Lattices Joint Reunion Workshop
Scott Aaronson (University of Texas Austin)
Quantum and Lattices Joint Reunion Workshop
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Quantum and Lattices Joint Reunion Workshop
Mark Zhandry (NTT Research & Princeton University)
Quantum and Lattices Joint Reunion Workshop
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Quantum and Lattices Joint Reunion Workshop
Greg Kuperberg (UC Davis)
Quantum and Lattices Joint Reunion Workshop
The hidden subgroup problem (HSP) is one of the main frameworks for quantum algorithms for algebraic problems, in particular for problems with a rigorous exponential quantum advantage, at least relative to an oracle or with cryptographic assumptions. The input to HSP is a function f on a group G which is periodic with respect to a subgroup H, and otherwise injective; the problem is to compute H. Although HSP was motivated by Shor's algorithm, which solves the problem when G is the integers, much of the research since then has been in the case when G is a finite group instead.
I will talk about HSP for discrete infinite groups for cases other than Shor's algorithm and the Shor-Kitaev algorithm. In particular, the hidden subgroup problem is NP-hard for the group of rationals, so that a superpolynomial quantum advantage is implausible. I will also discuss a polynomial-time quantum algorithm for HSP when G is a multidimensional lattice ℤ^d and the hidden subgroup H has any rank. This algorithm extends the celebrated Shor-Kitaev algorithm, which assumes that H has maximal rank.
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Quantum and Lattices Joint Reunion Workshop
The hidden subgroup problem (HSP) is one of the main frameworks for quantum algorithms for algebraic problems, in particular for problems with a rigorous exponential quantum advantage, at least relative to an oracle or with cryptographic assumptions. The input to HSP is a function f on a group G which is periodic with respect to a subgroup H, and otherwise injective; the problem is to compute H. Although HSP was motivated by Shor's algorithm, which solves the problem when G is the integers, much of the research since then has been in the case when G is a finite group instead.
I will talk about HSP for discrete infinite groups for cases other than Shor's algorithm and the Shor-Kitaev algorithm. In particular, the hidden subgroup problem is NP-hard for the group of rationals, so that a superpolynomial quantum advantage is implausible. I will also discuss a polynomial-time quantum algorithm for HSP when G is a multidimensional lattice ℤ^d and the hidden subgroup H has any rank. This algorithm extends the celebrated Shor-Kitaev algorithm, which assumes that H has maximal rank.
Sev Gharibian (Paderborn University)
Quantum and Lattices Joint Reunion Workshop
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Quantum and Lattices Joint Reunion Workshop
Anupam Prakash (QC-Ware)
Quantum and Lattices Joint Reunion Workshop
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Quantum and Lattices Joint Reunion Workshop
Robert Huang (Caltech)
Quantum and Lattices Joint Reunion Workshop
I will talk about recent advances in understanding what we can learn from quantum experiments. The talk starts with an overview of this subfield, including the central questions and connections to related fields. I will cover techniques and results researchers developed in the past few years, including randomized measurement toolbox, machine learning techniques, shadow tomography, and provable quantum advantage. The talk includes several open questions in this subfield and new research directions.
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Quantum and Lattices Joint Reunion Workshop
I will talk about recent advances in understanding what we can learn from quantum experiments. The talk starts with an overview of this subfield, including the central questions and connections to related fields. I will cover techniques and results researchers developed in the past few years, including randomized measurement toolbox, machine learning techniques, shadow tomography, and provable quantum advantage. The talk includes several open questions in this subfield and new research directions.
Mark Zhandry (Princeton University)
Quantum and Lattices Joint Reunion Workshop
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Quantum and Lattices Joint Reunion Workshop
Mark Zhandry (Princeton University)
Quantum and Lattices Joint Reunion Workshop
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Quantum and Lattices Joint Reunion Workshop
Yunchao Liu (UC Berkeley)
Quantum and Lattices Joint Reunion Workshop
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Quantum and Lattices Joint Reunion Workshop
Alex Lombardi (MIT) and Fermi Ma (UC Berkeley)
Quantum and Lattices Joint Reunion Workshop
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Quantum and Lattices Joint Reunion Workshop