This reunion workshop is for long-term participants in the program "Economics and Computation" held in the Fall 2015 semester. It will provide an opportunity to meet old and new friends. Moreover, we hope that it will give everyone a chance to reflect on the progress made during the semester and since, and sketch which directions the field should go in the future. In an effort to keep things informal and to encourage open discussion, none of the activities will be recorded. Participation in the workshop is by invitation only.
Hedyeh Beyhaghi (Cornell University), Yang Cai (McGill University), Gabriel Carroll (Stanford University), Richard Cole (New York University), Vincent Conitzer (Duke University), Costis Daskalakis (MIT), Xiaotie Deng (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Nikhil R. Devanur (Microsoft Research), Shaddin Dughmi (University of Southern California), Federico Echenique (Caltech), Michal Feldman (Tel Aviv University), Zhe Feng (Harvard University), Vasilis Gkatzelis (Drexel University), Kira Goldner (University of Washington), Ramesh Johari (Stanford University), Anna Karlin (University of Washington), Kevin Leyton-Brown (University of British Columbia), Thodoris Lykouris (Cornell University), Ruta Mehta (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Evdokia Nikolova (University of Texas at Austin), Christos Papadimitriou (UC Berkeley), David Parkes (Harvard University), Georgios Piliouras (Singapore University of Technology and Design), Christos-Alexandros Psomas (UC Berkeley), Tim Toughgarden (Stanford University), Daniela Saban (Stanford University), Chris Shannon (UC Berkeley), Warut Suksompong (Stanford University), Éva Tardos (Cornell University), Adrian Vetta (McGill University), Matt Weinberg (Princeton University), Lirong Xia (Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute)