Programs & Events

Programs & Events

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Calvin Lab auditorium

Sublinear Graph Simplification

Research Programs and Clusters

The Institute typically hosts two concurrent programs per semester. Programs are selected with a view toward maximizing impact and engagement across the theoretical computer science community, as well as impact on neighboring scientific fields. A typical one-semester program is led by a small group of organizers who are recognized experts in their fields, and involves about 40-50 invited long-term participants (a mix of senior and junior researchers) who spend at least one month (usually longer) at the Institute. A program usually includes three week-long workshops, each of which attracts an additional group of invited speakers and focuses on a different aspect of the program's scientific scope, as well as an initial "boot camp" designed to put long-term participants on the same page.

This summer program brings together researchers from various areas of sublinear algorithms to explore new topics, tools, and connections between models, as well as promising future directions for the field.

Explore Sublinear Algorithms
Clément Canonne
Artur Czumaj
Piotr Indyk
Clément Canonne, Artur Czumaj, Piotr Indyk, +4

Research Pods

Alongside our semester-long research programs, summer clusters, and weeklong workshops, the Simons Institute now hosts sustained research efforts by small groups of collaborators working on a specific topic over several years. Launched in 2020-21, our Research Pods initiative kicked off with two projects — one in machine learning and one in quantum computing. Each pod features a small number of junior and senior researchers to be in residence at the Institute for the duration. Sustained effort will be articulated by intense shorter convenings, including summer clusters and semester-long research programs.

In the wake of the National Quantum Initiative, the Simons Institute’s Research Pod in Quantum Computing brings together researchers from computer...

Explore Quantum Research Pod
Ruizhe Zhang
Fermi Ma, Ruizhe Zhang, William Kretschmer, +4

The Research Pod in Machine Learning brings together researchers from theoretical computer science, mathematics, statistics, electrical engineering,...

Explore Machine Learning Research Pod
Gautam Goel, Yuval Dagan, Omar Montasser, +8

The Research Pod on Resilience in Brain, Natural, and Algorithmic Systems explores the topic of resilience through an interdisciplinary lens, over the...

Explore Resilience Research Pod
Daniela Kaufer
Shafi Goldwasser, Venkatesan Guruswami, Daniela Kaufer,