Albert Atserias

Professor, UPC Barcelona
Albert Atserias is currently a Professor of Computer Science at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, in Barcelona, Spain. His research interests are are the theory of computation, the applications of mathematical logic to computer science, and the use of probabilistic methods in computer science and combinatorics. He is well-known for his contributions to building bridges between so-called Track A (algorithms and complexity) and Track B (logic and semantics) research in theoretical computer science.

Program Visits

Logic and Algorithms in Database Theory and AI, Fall 2023, Visiting Scientist
Meta-Complexity, Spring 2023, Visiting Scientist
Extended Reunion: Satisfiability, Spring 2023, Visiting Scientist and Program Organizer
Satisfiability: Theory, Practice, and Beyond, Spring 2021, Visiting Scientist
Logical Structures in Computation, Fall 2016, Visiting Scientist
computational complexity theory, proof complexity, finite model theory, combinatorics, algorithms