
Appreciation and memories of Jim Simons (1938–2024), from the Simons Institute community. Featuring contributions from Avi Wigderson, Dick Karp, Shafi...

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Simons Institute Senior Scientist Venkatesan Guruswami, along with Bingkai Lin, Yican Sun, and Berkeley theory graduate students Xuandi Ren and Kewen...

We are heartbroken by the loss of Luca Trevisan, who served as senior scientist at the Institute from 2014 to 2019. 

News archive

Greetings from Berkeley, where February is a mixture of glorious spring blossoms and surprise snow flurries.

| Core Theory of Computing

What is the computational complexity of computational complexity? In his Richard M. Karp Distinguished Lecture, Eric Allender (Rutgers University) explored the core themes of the Spring 2023 research program on Meta-Complexity.

| Core Theory of Computing

In 2021, the Simons Institute hosted a workshop titled 50 Years of Satisfiability: The Centrality of SAT in the Theory of Computing. One of the talks was by Simons Institute Founding Director Richard Karp, who gave a firsthand account of early developments in computational complexity theory.

This semester at the Simons Institute, the Meta-Complexity program is buzzing along with intense activity in the form of multiple reading groups and a weekly seminar, on top of the usual three workshops and boot camp.

| Cryptography, Privacy & Security

Rafael Pass (Cornell Tech and Tel Aviv University) gave a two-part tutorial presentation on Cryptography and Kolmogorov Complexity, at the Simons Institute's Meta-Complexity Boot Camp.

Greetings from Berkeley. I hope 2023 is off to a great start for you. To kick off the new year, we’ve relaunched our Simons Institute website with an updated look and feel.

Rahul Ilango (MIT) gave a two-part tutorial presentation on the Quest for Hardness of Meta-Complexity: Progress, Barriers, and Next Steps, at the Simons Institute's Meta-Complexity Boot Camp.

Valentine Kabanets (Simon Fraser University) gave a two-part tutorial presentation on the Power of Distinguishing Simple from Random, at the Simons Institute's Meta-Complexity Boot Camp.

For the first time in a decade, we have completely updated the look and feel of our website. Many thanks to our visitors, whose feedback over the years has given us insight into how to optimize the user experience online.

The Simons Foundation is announcing its support of 405 Ukrainian mathematicians, biologists, physicists and chemists who remain in Ukraine. In total, the foundation will award more than $1.2 million in funding over 12 months.