We provide a duality-based framework for revenue maximization in a multiple-good monopoly. Our framework shows that every optimal mechanism has a certificate of optimality, taking the form of an optimal transportation map between measures. Using our framework, we prove that grand-bundling mechanisms are optimal if and only if two stochastic dominance conditions hold between specific measures induced by the buyer’s type distribution. This result strengthens several results in the literature, where only sufficient conditions for grand-bundling optimality have been provided. As a corollary of our tight characterization of grand-bundling optimality, we show that the optimal mechanism for n independent uniform items each supported on [c; c + 1] is a grand-bundling mechanism, as long as c is sufficiently large, extending Pavlov’s result for 2 items [Pavlov 2011]. Surprisingly, our characterization also implies that, for all c and for all sufficiently large n, the optimal mechanism for n independent uniform items supported on [c; c + 1] is not a grand bundling mechanism. The necessary and sufficient condition for grand bundling optimality is a special case of our more general characterization result that provides necessary and sufficient conditions for the optimality of an arbitrary mechanism (with a finite menu size) for an arbitrary type distribution.