We have embarked on a journey at the frontier of high energies with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. As the intensity and energy of the LHC has progressed, Caltech physicists and students, together with colleagues around the world, continue to break new ground in our understanding of the forces of nature, dark matter and the early universe. Using CMS and the LHC collider, two of the most complex instruments ever devised, and new methods developed at Caltech and at peer institutions, we are:
• Homing in on the properties of the Higgs boson particles thought to be responsible for mass in the universe
• Searching for Supersymmetry that brings together particle physics and spacetime, and
• Searching for evidence of extra dimensions of space, and other exotic new particles
This lecture will present the latest results from the high energy frontier of particle physics and give a perspective on the road ahead, towards the next round of discoveries.
If time permits I will also cover some of the growing computing, data and network challenges on the horizon, and how we are working to address these challenges: with a new generation of intelligently operated global scale distributed systems and a candidate new architecture of the Internet. Within the past couple of years the use of machine learning methods has brought renewed promise, both to extend the reach of particle physics data analysis, and to help optimize workflow in the new class of global software-defined distributed systems.
The first session of this mini course will take place on Friday, January 26 from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.; the second session of this mini course will take place on Friday, January 26 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.