In discrete allocation problems, Walrasian equilibrium prices have a remarkable property: they allow each agent in the market to purchase a bundle of goods that he independently judges to be the most desirable, while guaranteeing that the jointly induced allocation will globally be social welfare maximizing. However, this otherwise clean story has two caveats:
-- First, the prices themselves may induce a large number of indifferences among agents that need to be resolved in a coordinated manner. Hence, the prices themselves are not alone sufficient to coordinate the market. In fact, it is not hard to see that the minimal Walrasian equilibrium prices necessarily -always- induce indifferences, for any set of bidder valuations, so we cannot simply appeal to "genericity" to eliminate indifferences.
-- Second, although we know natural procedures which converge to Walrasian equilibrium prices when used on a fixed population, in practice, we observe and interact with prices that were arrived at independently of our own participation in a tâtonnement process. We expect that these prices therefore are not perfect Walrasian equilibrium prices tailored exactly to the individuals in the market, but rather, that they result from some kind of "distributional" information about the market. This exacerbates the issue of coordination.
We give results of two sorts. First, we show a genericity condition under which the (exact) minimal Walrasian equilibrium prices in a commodity market induce allocations which result in vanishing overdemand for any tie breaking rule that buyers may use to resolve their indifferences. Second, we use techniques from learning theory to argue that the overdemand and welfare induced by a price vector converges to its expectation uniformly over the class of all price vectors, with sample complexity only linear in the number of goods in the market (without placing any assumption on the form of the valuation functions of the buyers).
Combining these two results implies that the exact Walrasian equilibrium prices computed in a commodity market (under a mild genericity condition) are guaranteed to induce both low overdemand and high welfare when used in a new market, in which agents are sampled independently from the same distribution, whenever the number of agents is larger than the number of commodities in the market.
Based on joint work and discussion with Justin Hsu, Jamie Morgenstern, Ryan Rogers, and Rakesh Vohra.