Introduction to Biological Network Analysis

Lecture 1: Introduction to Biological Network Analysis I: Network Basics and Properties  
Lecture 2: Introduction to Biological Network Analysis II: Protein-Protein Interaction Networks: From Graphs to Function 
Lecture 3: Introduction to Biological Network Analysis III: Identifying Network Modules 
Lecture 4: Introduction to Biological Network Analysis IV: Network Alignment and Querying 

This series of talks is part of the Algorithmic Challenges in Genomics Boot Camp

Speaker: Roded Sharan (Tel Aviv University) & Donna Slonim (Tufts University)

Network biology has become a key paradigm for applying genome-wide data to develop models of cellular function. In this minicourse, we will introduce biological networks, review their basic properties, and describe algorithmic approaches for distilling their modular structure. Focusing on protein-protein interaction networks, we will demonstrate their utility in elucidating protein function and evolutionary relationships.