Prahladh Harsha

Prahladh Harsha

Professor, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Prahladh Harsha is a faculty member of the School of Technology and Computer Science at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR). In his previous avatars, he was a graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he obtained his PhD under the supervision of Proessor Madhu Sudan; a postdoc at Microsoft Research-Silicon Valley; and a research assistant professor at the Toyota Technological Institute in Chicago. His research interests include computational complexity, probabilistically checkable proofs, coding theory, cryptography.

Program Visits

Proofs, Consensus, and Decentralizing Society, Fall 2019, Visiting Scientist
Summer Cluster: Error-Correcting Codes and High-Dimensional Expansion, Summer 2019, Visiting Scientist and Program Organizer
Information Theory, Spring 2015, Visiting Scientist
Real Analysis in Computer Science, Fall 2013, Visiting Scientist