Mai Gehrke
Mai Gehrke is a Senior Research Director in Theoretical Computer Science at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) affiliated with the Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale of Université Paris Diderot -- Paris 7. Previously she held the chair in Algebra and Logic at Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen in the Netherlands and a Full Professorship in mathematics at New Mexico State University in the United States. She holds an MS and a PhD in mathematics from the University of Houston. She is an editor of the Houston Journal of Mathematics. She is co-founder of the TACL conference series and has served on numerous scientific committees such as the CoNRS (Fr), DIAMANT Cluster (NL), Lorentz Center (NL), NWO Vidi (NL), NSF interdisciplinary (US), as well as numerous program committees. She was awarded an ERC Advanced grant on Duality in Formal Languages and Logic in 2015. Her main contributions are in Stone duality theory, and in particular in the Jónsson-Tarski theory of canonical extensions, which focuses on duality for additional operations. More recently, she has been working on duality theoretic extensions of the profinite algebraic tools of automata theory and their application in complexity theory.