Letter from the Director, February 2024

Dear friends,
Greetings from Berkeley, where we are deep into a pair of interconnected research programs on Quantum Algorithms, Complexity, and Fault Tolerance and on Error-Correcting Codes: Theory and Practice.
In this issue of the newsletter, we have a feature article on meta-complexity by our Spring 2023 science communicator in residence, Adam Becker. The topic was at the center of a research program by the same name, addressing the complexity of computational problems and tasks that are themselves about computations and their complexity.
In our SimonsTV corner, we share two highlights from January’s joint boot camp for the error-correcting codes and quantum programs: John Wright’s Intro to Quantum Codes and Jonathan Mosheiff’s tutorial on Probabilistic and Combinatorial Methods.
As always, you can follow us on X/Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. I look forward to seeing you soon.
Best wishes,
Shafi Goldwasser
Director, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing