
This workshop will bring together researchers from academia and industry to explore topics from quantum complexity theory and cryptography to quantum algorithms, benchmarking, error correction, and fault tolerance. The program will have a special focus on NISQ (noisy intermediate-scale quantum) computers and complexity-based evidence of quantum advantage. A major challenge in this direction is improving quantum error-correcting codes and decoding algorithms for achieving early fault tolerance, and developing milestones for quantum advantage in the early fault tolerance regime. 

If you require special accommodation, please contact our access coordinator at simonsevents@berkeley.edu with as much advance notice as possible.

Please note: the Simons Institute regularly captures photos and video of activity around the Institute for use in videos, publications, and promotional materials. 


Registration is required for in-person attendance, access to the livestream, and early access to the recording. Space may be limited, and you are advised to register early. 

For additional information please visit: https://simons.berkeley.edu/participating-workshop.

Please note: the Simons Institute regularly captures photos and video of activity around the Institute for use in videos, publications, and promotional materials. 

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