Lattices have helped us achieve cryptographic goals that were a cryptographer’s dream for decades. This includes fully homomorphic encryption, homomorphic signatures, attribute-based encryption schemes and many more. Part of the interest in lattice-based cryptography stems from the fact that currently, it is the only way to construct these advanced cryptographic schemes. This workshop will focus on squeezing the most out of lattices, with the ultimate aim of basing all of cryptography on the hardness of lattice problems (the so-called “cryptopia”).
Lattice-based cryptography is a rapidly developing area with huge potential impact. We believe that by bringing together the experts in this area, we can achieve major advances in this area.
Shweta Agrawal (IIT, MADRAS), Daniel J. Bernstein (University of Illinois at Chicago and Ruhr University Bochum), Dan Boneh (Stanford University), Pedro Branco (CISPA Helmholtz Center), Ran Canetti (Boston University), Yilei Chen (Visa Research), Alessandro Chiesa (UC Berkeley), Nico Döttling (CISPA Helmholtz Center), Rachit Garg (University of Texas at Austin), Sanjam Garg (UC Berkeley), Romain Gay (Cornell Tech), Ashrujit Ghoshal (University of Washington), Rishab Goyal (UT Austin), Justin Holmgren (Princeton University), Aayush Jain (UCLA), Shuichi Katsumata (AIST), Dakshita Khurana (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Sam Kim (Stanford University), Lisa Kohl (Technion), Venkata Vivek Kumar Koppula (Weizmann Institute of Science), Thijs Laarhoven (Eindhoven University of Technology), Tanja Lange (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven), Changmin Lee (ENS Lyon), Rachel Lin (University of Washington), Alex Lombardi (MIT), Ji Luo (University of Washington), Fermi Ma (Princeton University), Urmila Mahadev (Microsoft Research), Arya Mazumdar (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Oxana Poburinnaya (Boston University), Raluca Popa (UC Berkeley), Willy Quach (Northeastern University), Mariana Raykova (Google), Siobhan Roberts (New York Times/ Simons Institute Journalist in Residence), Amit Sahai (UCLA), Sina Shiehian (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor), Alice Silverberg (University of California, Irvine), Fang Song (Texas A&M U), Aikaterini Sotiraki (MIT), Akshayaram Srinivasan (UC Berkeley), Noah Stephens-Davidowitz (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Stefano Tessaro (University of Washington), Rotem Tsabary (Weizmann Institute), Vinod Vaikuntanathan (MIT), Umesh Vazirani (UC Berkeley), Michael Walter (IST Austria), Hoeteck Wee (CNRS and ENS), Daniel Wichs (Northeastern University), David Wu (University of Virginia), Shota Yamada (AIST), Leo de Castro (MIT)