The Boot Camp is intended to acquaint program participants with the key themes of the program. Each speaker will give a mini-course of two lectures on the topics below. In addition, each of the Research Fellows in the program will give a brief introduction to their research.
Vinod Vaikuntanathan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology): "The Mathematics of Lattices"
Shai Halevi (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center): "Fully Homomorphic Encryption"
Sanjam Garg (UC Berkeley): "Multilinear Maps and Attacks"
Amit Sahai (UCLA): "Obfuscation"
Craig Gentry (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center): "Applications of Obfuscation"
Yael Kalai (Microsoft Research New England): "Delegating Computation"
Yuval Ishai (Technion Israel Institute of Technology): "Secure Multiparty Computation"
Benny Applebaum (Tel Aviv University): "Garbled Circuits"
Elaine Shi (University of Maryland) and Daniel Wichs (Northeastern University): "Oblivious RAM"
Cynthia Dwork (Microsoft Research): "Differential Privacy: Fundamentals to Forefront"
All talks will be recorded.