
Poster Presenters & Topics are:

Surin *Ahn Sparse Estimation under Joint Privacy and Communication Constraints

Sina Baharlouei A Distributionally Robust Optimization Framework for Fair Empirical Risk Minimization in the Presence of the Distribution Shift

Collin Cademartori Identifiability and Falsifiability: Two Challenges for Bayesian Model Expansion

Yahya Ezzeldin (Essa) How Much Privacy Does Secure Aggregation Guarantee in Federated Learning?

Atefeh Gilani Maximal (\alpha,\beta)-Leakage: A unified privacy leakage measure

Felipe Gomez TBA Topic

Charlie Hou FedChain: Chained Algorithms for Near-Optimal Communication Cost in Federated Learning

Palak Jain TBA Topic

Sabrina* Liu TBA Topic

Ezgi Ozyilkan Neural Distributed Compressor Does Binning

Sharang Sriramu Redundancy of Exact Channel Synthesis: Symmetric Channels

Redundancy of Exact Channel Synthesis: Symmetric Channels

Nathan Stromberg Smoothly Giving Up: Robustness for Simple Models

Alice* Tor TBA Topic

Grigoris Velegkas Statistical Indistinguishability of Learning Algorithms

Moses Won Control of Systems with Multiplicative Observation Noise

Tomasz* Zaluska TBA Topic

Andrew* Perley A Fourier Basis Generalized Linear Model for Phase Amplitude Coupling