Stephen Wright
Stephen J. Wright holds the George B. Dantzig Professorship, the Sheldon Lubar Chair, and the Amar and Balinder Sohi Professorship of Computer Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research is in computational optimization and its applications to many areas of science and engineering. Prior to joining UW-Madison in 2001, Wright held positions at North Carolina State University (1986-90), Argonne National Laboratory (1990-2001), and the University of Chicago (2000-01). He has served as Chair of the Mathematical Optimization Society, and Trustee of SIAM. He is also a Fellow of SIAM. In 2014, he won the W.R.G. Baker award from IEEE. Wright is the author and coauthor of widely used text/reference books in optimization, including Primal Dual Interior-Point Methods, and Numerical Optimization. He has published widely on optimization theory, algorithms, software, and applications. Wright is current editor-in-chief of the SIAM Journal on Optimization, and previously served variously as editor-in-chief or associate editor of Mathematical Programming (Series A), Mathematical Programming (Series B), SIAM Review, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, and several other journals and book series.