Remco van der Hofstad
Remco van der Hofstad received his PhD at the University of Utrecht in 1997, under the supervision of Frank den Hollander and Richard Gill. Since then, he worked at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, and Delft University of Technology. Since 2005, he is full professor in probability at Eindhoven University of Technology. Jointly with Frank den Hollander, he is responsible for the `Random Spatial Structures' Program at Eurandom.
Remco received the Prix Henri Poincaré 2003 jointly with Gordon Slade, the Rollo Davidson Prize 2007, and is a laureate of the `Innovative Research VIDI Scheme' 2003 and `Innovative Research VICI Scheme' 2008. He is also one of the 11 co-applicants of the Gravitation program NETWORKS (see https://www.thenetworkcenter.nl/ for more information). In 2018, Remco was elected in the Dutch Royal Academy of Science and Arts (KNAW), where he now acts as the Chair of the Mathematics Section.
Remco is the author of over 170 papers and three books, including a popular book on Random Graphs and Complex Networks, and a book on High-dimensional percolation with Markus Heydenreich. He has supervised 29 PhD students and 17 PostDocs.
Remco is active in outreach and multidisciplinary research. He is editor in chief of the `Network Pages', an interactive website by the networks community for everyone interested in networks (see https://www.networkpages.nl/ for more information). He is also contact person for the research area Grip on Complexity of the Institute for Complex Molecular Systems.