Marcel Neunhoeffer
Marcel Neunhoeffer is a PhD Candidate and Research Associate at the chair of Political Science, Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences at the University of Mannheim.
Marcel's research focuses on political methodology, where he is specifically interested in the application of deep learning algorithms to social sciences problems. His substantive interests include voting behavior, political campaigns and forecasting elections. For his research, Marcel implemented a large scale field experiment within a partisan campaign. He is also interested in social media data and contributed to the research with a voting advice application.
His work has been published in the Politische Vierteljahresschrift (PVS) and is forthcoming in Political Analysis. In February 2019, Marcel is presenting his recent work at the International Methods Colloquium. Furthermore, Marcel is co-founder, contributor and the visualizationist of zweitstimme.org, a website that communicated a scientific forecast for the German Federal election of 2017 to a broad audience.