Lena Ting
Lena Ting is a Professor in the WH Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at Emory University and Georgia Institute of Technology. She holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from UC Berkeley, and an MSE in Biomechanical Engineering and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University. Her postdoctoral training was in neurophysiology at the University of Paris V, and Oregon Health and Sciences University. Her research in neuromechanics focuses on the sensorimotor interactions among brain, body, and environment. Her work focuses on complex, whole body movements (such as walking and balance) with strong clinical relevance, as well as skilled movements involved in dance and sport. By drawing from neuroscience, biomechanics, rehabilitation, computation, robotics, and physiology, we have discovered exciting new principles of human movement. Using computational and experimental methods, Ting's work has revealed interactions between electrical neuromotor signals from the body with neural mechanisms and functional biomechanical outputs during normal and impaired movement. Her work forms a foundation that researchers around the world are using to understand normal and impaired movement control in humans and animals as well as to develop better robotic devices that interact with people.