Gerton Lunter
Gerton Lunter obtained his PhD in Mathematics in Groningen, the Netherlands, in 1999. After a short stint in industry, he moved to Oxford to do post-docs with Jotun Hein and Chris Ponting. In 2002 he moved to the Wellcome Trust Centre of Human Genetics in Oxford, where he is currently leading a small research group of six people. His interests are at the intersection of mathematics, algorithmics, statistics and biology, with a focus on applications in bioinformatics and population genetics. He has worked on models of sequence evolution, and has applied these models to estimate the fraction of the genome under selection. Part of his work is related to the practical aspects of processing next-gen sequence data, including read mapping and variant calling. Recently he became interested in the question of inferring demographic history from whole-genome data, using accurate but tractable models of the coalescent with recombination.