Cliff Stein
Clifford Stein is a Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research and Computer Science at Columbia University. He received his BSE from Princeton University in 1987 and his PhD from MIT in 1992, and was a faculty member at Dartmouth College from 1992 to 2001. His research interests include the design and analysis of algorithms, combinatorial optimization, operations research, scheduling, algorithm engineering and internet algorithms. In addition to publishing over 100 scientific papers, he has occupied a variety of editorial positions for such journals as ACM Transactions on Algorithms, Mathematical Programming, Journal of Algorithms, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, and Operations Research Letters. He has been the recipient of an NSF Career Award, and an Alfred Sloan Research Fellowship, and is a Fellow of the ACM. He is the chair of the Steering Committee for the Symposium on Discrete Algorithms and is also the co-author of the two textbooks, Introduction to Algorithms, with T. Cormen, C. Leiserson and R. Rivest, and Discrete Math for Computer Science, with K. Bogart and S. Drysdale.