Andrew Clark
Dr. Andrew G. Clark is the Jacob Gould Schurman Professor in the Department of Molecular Biology & Genetics at Cornell University, where he also holds joint appointments in the Departments of Biological Statistics & Computational Biology and Ecology & Evolutionary Biology. His undergraduate degree was from Brown University (1976) in Biology and Applied Mathematics, and his Ph.D. is from Stanford University (1980) in Population Genetics (with Marc Feldman). His lab works on several projects in human and Drosophila population genetics and evolutionary genomics. The human work centers on use of genome-wide polymorphism data for population genetic inference (times of common ancestry, inference of natural selection, admixture), inference of genotype-phenotype association, and on the analysis of genetic variation in risk of cardiovascular disease. His Drosophila work centers on building and testing predictive models in contexts where gene regulatory networks have been identified to play a role in adaptive complex traits, including innate immunity, sperm competition, and metabolism. Most recently he has engaged in extensive RNA-seq analysis of reciprocal crosses of mice, horse and donkey, chickens, opossum, wasps and bees for inference of genomic imprinting and sex chromosome inactivation. All the above projects benefit from an extensive collection of valuable collaborations.