Call for Applications: Science Communicators in Residence

The Simons Institute invites proposals for science communicator in residence visits of one to three weeks for Summer 2024, Fall 2024, and Spring 2025.
The Simons Institute’s Science Communicator in Residence program was created in Fall 2016, with the goal of increasing visibility for theoretical computer science and supporting science communicators interested in covering the field. Over the course of a visit, science communicators attend one or more thematic workshops, engage with visiting scientists, and contribute an article or interview (filmed by our video production team) to the Institute’s newsletter. The position comes with a stipend and support for travel to the Institute. Science communicators of all sorts (journalists, visual artists, filmmakers, etc.) are welcome to apply.
Proposals should indicate the theme and dates for the visit, which workshops the candidate would like to attend (as well as the motivation for the selection), and how the project fits in with the person’s interests and work more broadly. In preparing their proposal, applicants should consult the list of upcoming research programs, as well as the thematic workshops within each; workshops coming up in the next few months are described in greater detail on individual workshop pages. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis.
View the call for applications.