Simons Institute Program Fellowship Application Simons Institute Program Fellowship Application Personal information TitlePlease select... Dr. Professor Ms. Mrs. Mr. First name Last name Email Phone number What is your gender?FemaleMaleNonbinaryPrefer not to answer With which racial or ethnic group(s) do you most identify? To select more than one, select "Other" and specify.African or African-AmericanCaucasian (European or Middle-Eastern)Hispanic/LatinoNative American or Native AlaskanEast AsianSouth AsianNative Hawaiian / other Pacific IslanderOther (please specify)Choose not to respond If "Other", please specify below. Academic Information Institution Department Current positionPlease select... Graduate Student Postdoc Professor Industrial Researcher Other If "Other", please specify below. Date (or expected date) of PhD degree conferral Application materials Which programs are you applying for?Federated and Collaborative Learning If you are interested in a fellowship with one of our partner institutions, please indicate the institution (or institutions) below. (These positions will require a separate application. For questions about a position at a partner institution, please contact that institution directly. By checking the box for a partner institution, you agree to have your contact information shared with that institution.)Center for Mathematical Modeling, ChileCollaboration on the Theoretical Foundations of Deep Learning (Berkeley, Stanford, MIT, UCI, UCSD, TTIC, EPFL, Hebrew)Foundations of Data Science Institute (Berkeley, MIT, Boston, Bryn Mawr, Harvard, Howard, Northeastern)Institute for Foundations of Machine Learning (UT Austin, University of Washington, WSU)Max Planck Institute for Informatics, GermanyToyota Technological Institute at ChicagoWeizmann Institute of Science, Israel Please upload your cover letter, CV (including a full list of publications), and research statement in a single PDF below. (5 MB max.) Questions? Contact Simons Institute Visitor Services at Recommenders Provide the names and email addresses of three recommenders. The Simons Institute will contact them via email for a letter of recommendation. Recommender #1 TitlePlease select... Dr. Professor Ms. Mrs. Mr. First name Last name Institution Email Recommender #2 TitlePlease select... Dr. Professor Ms. Mrs. Mr. First name Last name Institution Email Recommender #3 TitlePlease select... Dr. Professor Ms. Mrs. Mr. First name Last name Institution Email Contact Information