For centuries cryptography has focused on the problem of securing communications. In our era of pervasive and ubiquitous computing, however, cryptography must tackle deep and far-reaching questions surrounding securing computation itself. The confluence of smart devices, cloud and social computing, storage outsourcing and data mining, distributed systems and web-based services is changing the face of computing. At the same time, this new era of computing amplifies the opportunities and sophistication of adversaries determined to tamper with the integrity and privacy of computation and data.
This workshop will focus on two major trends in securing computation. On the one hand, we have seen recent dramatic advances in fresh concepts such as fully homomorphic encryption, functional encryption and secure program obfuscation, as well as candidate constructions for these notions. These promise to significantly expand the scope of cryptography, allowing us to address the increasing sophistication of computational settings and adversaries in ways previously unimagined. In a complementary trend, more mature cryptographic techniques such as secure multi-party computation, secure function evaluation, oblivious RAM and others are seeing significant advances through increasingly efficient solutions, thus enhancing their practical relevance to addressing real-world problems.
In this workshop we focus on topics related to the above developments, including new notions and techniques, practical instantiations, real-world applications, and advances in imagining the unimaginable.
All talks will be recorded. Enquiries may be sent to the organizers at this address.
Support is gratefully acknowledged from:
Michel Abdalla (École Normale Supérieure Paris), Masayuki Abe (NTT Secure Platform Laboratories), Shweta Agrawal (IIT Delhi), Prabhanjan Ananth (UCLA), Maynard Marshall Ball (Columbia University), Alexandra Berkoff (Brown University), Jeremiah Blocki (Carnegie Mellon University), Dan Boneh (Stanford University), Elette Boyle (Technion Israel Institute of Technology), Christina Brzuska (Microsoft Research Cambridge), David Cash (Rutgers University), Pandu Rangan Chandrasekharan (Indian Institute of Technology Madras), Kai-Min Chung (Academia Sinica, Taiwan), Aloni Cohen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Dana Dachman-Soled (University of Maryland), Ivan Damgård (Aarhus University), Apoorvaa Deshpande (Brown University), Yevgeniy Dodis (New York University), Cynthia Dwork (Microsoft Research), Xiong Fan (University of Maryland), Juan Garay (Yahoo Labs), Sanjam Garg (UC Berkeley), Romain Gay (École Normale Supérieure Paris), Rosario Gennaro (City University of New York), Craig Gentry (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center), Shafi Goldwasser (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Weizmann Institute), Jens Groth (University College London), Divya Gupta (UCLA), Shai Halevi (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center), Susan Hohenberger Waters (Johns Hopkins University), Justin Holmgren (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Michael Hsieh (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), Yuval Ishai (Technion Israel Institute of Technology), Abhishek Jain (Johns Hopkins University), Stanislaw Jarecki (UC Irvine), Charanjit Jutla (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center), Chethan Kamath Hosdurg (IST Austria), Aggelos Kiayias (University of Connecticut), Saleet Klein (Tel Aviv University), Vladimir Kolesnikov (Bell Labs), Hugo Krawczyk (IBM Almaden), Mukul Kulkarni (University of Maryland), Ranjit Kumaresan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Tancrède Lepoint (CryptoExperts), Tianren Liu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Anna Lysyanskaya (Brown University), Mohammad Mahmoody (University of Virginia), Hemanta Maji (UCLA), Dahlia Malkhi (VMware Research), Tal Malkin (Columbia University), Eric Miles (UCLA), Andrew Miller (University of Maryland), Payman Mohassel (Yahoo Labs), Steven Myers (Indiana University), Moni Naor (Weizmann Institute), Jesper Buus Nielsen (Aarhus University), Adam O'Neill (Georgetown University), Claudio Orlandi (Aarhus University), Rafail Ostrovsky (UCLA), Omkant Pandey (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Omer Paneth (Boston University), Sunoo Park (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Rafael Pass (Cornell University), Valerio Pastro (Columbia University), Chris Peikert (Georgia Institute of Technology), Krzysztof Pietrzak (IST Austria), Benny Pinkas (Bar-Ilan University), Manoj Prabhakaran (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Tal Rabin (IBM Almaden), Mariana Raykova (SRI International), Omer Reingold (Weizmann Institute), Ron Rivest (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Weizmann Institute), Alon Rosen (Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center), Mike Rosulek (Oregon State University), Guy Rothblum (Stanford University), Ron Rothblum (Weizmann Institute), Amit Sahai (UCLA), Alessandra Scafuro (Boston University and Northeastern University), Thomas Schneider (Technische Universität Darmstadt), Abhi Shelat (University of Virginia), Elaine Shi (University of Maryland), Vitaly Shmatikov (University of Texas, Austin), Adam Smith (Pennsylvania State University), Noah Stephens-Davidowitz (New York University), Vanessa Teague (University of Melbourne), Mehdi Tibouchi (NTT Secure Platform Laboratories), Eran Tromer (Tel Aviv University), Vinod Vaikuntanathan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam (University of Rochester), Mike Walfish (New York University), Brent Waters (University of Texas, Austin), Hoeteck Wee (École Normale Supérieure Paris), Daniel Wichs (Northeastern University), Rebecca Wright (Rutgers University), Moti Yung (Google, Inc.), Vassilis Zikas (ETH Zürich).